How I made 46 Adsense Approvals In A Month and named as Adsense Goddess Get AdSense approval with simple steps and also genuine methods. AdSense approval and tips tricks are listed in this article. A person accepts to do blogging with just two reasons. One is Passion and Second one is to make money online. There are a number of ways to make money with blog or website. But, the main source is Adsense which is offered by Google. For getting an Adsense, Approval is a bit difficult but, still there are many people who are eagerly waiting for their AdSense approval. For this, I am sharing my experiences with Adsense approvals that How I made 46 approvals in a month and named as Adsense Goddess without taking any single penny from anyone. The reason why I am sharing now is just I don’t have time to do Adsense approval for all the members. So, at least my experience in this article may help you people to get approved. Other than Google AdSense there are many more ad networks where you can make good money from your website. Would you like to earn extra income in addition to AdSense income? Then this article will definitely help you. Read out Best Google AdSense Alternatives to earn extra bucks from our online websites. adsense-trick-adsense-goddess-lasya-k How did I do These Many Adsense Approvals ? From the beginning I haven’t faced any problems. And I have made approvals in both sectors like Hosted to Genuine and direct genuine AdSense. I have learned every single point of Adsense policies and learnt many things from the people who are always getting disapproved by Google. This made me to do 46 successful AdSense approvals. I have done this for just to help people and to get benefit for their self. And now what the changes I use to do before applying for Adsense will be explained clearly as follows. Main Thing You Need To Remember Before Applying For Adsense The adsense can be applied for Long term blogs or Niche blogs. No matter which blog it is, just follow the points I say ( to my knowledge ). The main things that are required for Adsense Approval are explained one by one as follows. 1. See that Custom Domain is atleast 45 days old Must and should our Custom Domain or blog should be atleast 45 days old. So, that there is a possibility to get adsense approval as I got for one of my blog. 2. The template should be responsive The template that we are applying for our blog is also very important as it plays a crucial role for Adsense Approval. Best thing is apply the Theme which had already approved for Adsense. Edit the template clearly and see that every Icon is working perfectly with correct links that are lnked in template of HTML. So, that there are more number of chances to get approved. 3. Make sure that your blog consists of atleast 10 to 15+ posts To get adsense approval atleast we have to write 10+ posts in our blog with good and genuine content. Never copy the content from other sites. Never miss to give Alt+text. Every minor thing matters here. I use to examine each and every thing in the blog before applying for adsense. 4. No Copied Content See that no single line is copied from others blogs. And don’t provide any links in your blogs like results URL’s, Tickets of matches URL’s, etc. Google consider them as copied one. If it is mandatory to provide URL in your blog, then the best method is to provide that link in text manner and then keep a “NOTE” that to copy that URL and paste it in new window to get results or tickets what ever it is. 5. The main thing is About Us, Contact Us The minor things plays major role in Adsense Approval. About Us, is the page which is more and more important which should be filled with correct and required information. About Us can be filled with atleast 4 lines or even more, but correct information should be provided about authors and content that you are providing in your blog. Contact Us, is also an important page where you have to check that whether the form is working correctly or not. If not change it soon. 6. Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions This is most important and sometimes Adsense get approved by just changing these three forms. And I have experienced this in many cases not many almost in all case I have changed these three forms. Disclaimer and Privacy Policy are mandatory to each and every blog. There is some unique content for these two forms. If and only if you keep those content in these forms, Adsense approval gets Easy. For example, you can consider our blog You can see the Disclaimer and Privacy policy in our blog and change it according to your blog name, place and date. There are only two famous websites which provide us this type of content and I use them most for Disclaimer and Privacy Policy. Terms and Conditions are not mandatory, but there is no loss of publishing this page. Better to have this page also in our blogs. For the content, you can check Disclaimer and Privacy Policy. 7. Apply Adsense for only. If the blog is Tech, Health, Niche, Earnings, All Top and some other, then just follow up to now what I have mentioned above. But, if the blog is about binary trade, need to add binary trade related privacy policy and little changes should be done. I suggest you people not to apply adsense for religion related blogs, Education sites which contains number of links. To my experience these blogs will get rejected by Google. 8. How to apply for Adsense? If you have applied for Adsense once, then when you apply again see that the address and Phone number should not match. Generally it takes maximum of 4 to 5 days for AdSense approval. As now some Adsense policies are changed and made strong we need to wait for some more days. IP address and Payee Name doesn’t matter while applying for Adsense. When you submit your form, Google will review your form. Once accepted your form, you will be able to login into Adsense account and it shows a dialog box at the top in red color showing ” Your application for the website( you applied for ) is under review. For approval place a Blank ad code in your website for approval”. Here, you need to do is create a 300X250 ad unit and get a code, place it in your website on the right bottom of the home page. Until and unless your application is reviewed by Google you will be seen only blank at that place. Once your application is reviewed and if it is successful, then you are able to see a real ad displaying in your website. That’s it your website is approved for Adsense (50%). For full approval of Adsense, there is a PIN verification. ( This will be clearly explained in future posts). Note: As I have experience in Adsense Approvals I can easily change the blog according to Adsense policies and can get approved easily. It may difficult to you people at first, but later you will be pro’s in doing so. So, I suggest you people read Adsense policies first and then proceed to get good outputs. Final Words: Every one call me as Adsense Goddess and this is the effort I used to keep for every single blog without expecting any single penny from others. I am Very happy to share this article with you people. In all my writings this is the First article (writing) which have 1000+ words. I hope this article will help you people to some extent. And these are the changes I used to do for every blog and some minor changes. All the Minor changes cannot be explained in this article, but those minor things also matters for Adsense approval. If I continue to write this, Aritlce will exceed 2000+ words. So, I conclude this here with 1000+ words. If any doubts regarding Adsense Approval or any issues you can contact me here: Lasya K Elzibeth (Adsense Goddess).Also get a clear vision about such topics such as: What is an AdSense? How to apply for AdSense? How to get approval for AdSense? How to Secure an AdSense and keep it for long time? Tips and Tricks for AdSense. For all the answers, you can view up the video which is an answer to all the questions and also included with Affiliate marketing, CPC, CTR, RPM and many more things where you can get a clear vision of earning money online through Google AdSense and also through different aspects of the Internet. AdSense Exclusive Webinar With Lasya K Step by Step Procedure to Apply for Google AdSense Keep Your AdSense Safely: Precautions and Cautions Google Adsense Page Level Ads – Activate, Place and Track With this simple steps, you can get your AdSense account approval easily. Bookmark this article for more AdSense related articles and updates. Get AdSense approval with these easy steps. - See more at: